The Residents of the Children’s Home in Nagydobrony Received a Donation of Own Brand Food

Nagydobronyi élelmiszeradomány, MRSZ (f.MRSZ)

"Take Delight in the Lord, and He Will Give You the Desires of Your Heart"


Bishop Balog Resigns As President of RCH

2024 zsinat BZ borító

Healing Community in the Panel Forest

Káp.megyer gyülekezet, reflap 2024 5. (f.Németh Zoltán).jpg

I Went to work, but I Got Much More

Csordás Krisztina

Reflecting the Light of God - A Year of Charity

Adomány, gyerek, MRSZ

Perseverance Nurtured by Hope

Hála, Nap, kezek , remény - Fotó: Freepik

Neighbours in Need


Plans of the Roma Ministry for 2024

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