The 12th "72 hour - No Compromise" volunteering action was a success, again. Almost ten thousand young people participated in the three-day-long ecumenical initiative through weekend.
In religious circles it is said many times, that the youth is the Church of the future, but it is important to talk about how the youth is also the Church of the present - explained the leader of the National Youth Office “It is a huge deal, that almost ten thousand young people participate in 72 hours of volunteering, and carry out the love of Christ, thereby showing the essence of the christian faith in the actions of the forthcoming days. This volunteering action is a wonderful opportunity, so that the young people can grow closer to Christ and become 10,000 seeable exclamation marks in the Church of today.”

Almost 10,000 young people participate in this 72 hour weekend is a three-day-long voluntary youth action on 120 settlements altogether. The three historical Christian Churches between 10-13. of October in 2019. This being their 12th year, they organise their actions, whereby the Hungarian young people living inland or abroad are doing something together for others, for their surroundings, and are helping there, where they are needed, following the call of this year’s motto: “... serve one another humbly in love.” (Galatians 5:13)
In the Temporary Shelter for Families of Békásmegyer of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta’s there was a press conference where János Székely, Catholic Bishop of Szombathely, Pál Lackner Lutheran Bishop, Boglárka Illés Deputy State Secretary for Youth Affairs and Equal Opportunities and Viktória Kelemen the vice mayor of Óbuda gave speeches. After the press conference, as one project of the 72 hours - No Compromise in the Temporary Shelter for Families the young people prepared games for the young residents of the shelter, planted flowers, painted the corridors of the building, while the mothers could be the guests of volunteering hair dressours and cosmetics.

“A good working community can be recognised thereof, that they help and support the sufferers in need, while this means safety to the indigents. The joint work of the youth in the 72 hours action is really exemplary and unique in Hungary of which we can be proud aside from party affiliation and world view. My conviction is that with this action of good, the participant’s became more open, and together with this, it narrows the differences between the generations and social classes.” - greeted the volunteers of 72 hours on the part of the hosting institution Emília Morvai, the Head of the Central Hungarian Region of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta’s.

For 12 Years with No Compromises
The aim of the 12 years - No Compromise is to attract the society’s attention to the strength and commitment, eagerness and helpfulness of the youth. The action of this year moved more than 9600 young people, who throughout the country and abroad engage in more than 400 voluntary projects on 120 settlements. The action’s slogan “You’re more if you give!” sheds light on what was experienced many times by the organisers and participants through the previous years: that when we embark on selfless help-giving we are always able to accomplish more than we thought.
photo: Dávid Bakos
Translated by Tímea Tőke
Edited by Avery Gill